Sunday, September 3, 2017

Shockabilly - Joe's Star Lounge, Ann Arbor 8-26-83

Shockabilly was some serious weirdness brought to the world by Eugene Chadbourne and Kramer. This is from a radio broadcast and sound quality is excellent. Can anyone fill in the song titles?

setlist: [from cassette tape]
01. dj intro
02. title unknown
03. title unknown
04. title unknown
05. Heart Full Of Soul
06. 19th Nervous Breakdown
07. title unknown
08. title unknown
09. Purple Haze
10. Are You Experienced
11. title unknown
12. title unknown
13. Homeward Bound
14. title unknown
15. Eight Miles High
16. Psychedelic Basement
17. Big Money Broad
18. City Of Corruption
19. title unknown [cut]
20. Smoke On The Plunger
21. Plunger
22. title unknown
23. Psychotic Reaction
24. title unknown
25. title unknown
26. Day Tripper
27. title unknown
28. dj outro


  1. Thanks for uploading. Excellent quality. This is a hard one for song titles due to the amount of improvisation and different lyrics in some cases (Wrestling Woman). Here a some titles to add...
    2)People Are Strange 3)Vampire Tiger Girl Strikes Again 4)Shockabilly Weekend 8)Bluegrass Breakdown 12) Wrestling Woman 14)Burma Shave

  2. 01. DJ Intro
    02. People Are Strange
    03. Vampire Tiger Girl Strikes Again
    04. Shockabilly Weekend
    05. Heart Full Of Soul
    06. 19th Nervous Breakdown
    07. Rake/Birdcage Routine
    08. Bluegrass Breakdown
    09. Purple Haze
    10. Are You Experienced
    11. (???) (Instrumental Cover Version)
    12. Wrestling Woman
    13. Homeward Bound
    14. Burma Shave
    15. Eight Miles High
    16. Psychedelic Basement
    17. Big Money Broad
    18. City Of Corruption
    19. Plunger Routine Part 1 (A Whiter Shade Of Pale) [cut]
    20. Plunger Routine Part 2 (Smoke On The Plunger)
    21. Plunger Routine Part 3 (Classical Music)
    22. Plunger Routine Part 4 (Maneater)
    23. Psychotic Reaction
    24. Dang Me
    25. Figaro
    26. Day Tripper
    27. Cops vs. Guardian Angels
    28. DJ Outro

  3. 11 is Third Stone from the Sun
